Reader Interactions


  1. My friend worked in kitchens and cans a lot of veggies, she is the one that told me about the tomatoes. They take up a lot of space, so I usually freeze them then can them, but I do keep some around. I love the bell peppers (all colors- yellow, green, red, orange and purple) sometimes at the end of the day at a farmer's market they just want to get rid of them, or a farm stand that has

    • I shred raw zucchini and freeze in zip lock bags. I also chop up bell peppers (I get them cheap at farm stands as imperfect ones in the summer) I then spread them on a cookie sheet and freeze them (I don’t blanch) then use a spatula to take them from the cookie sheet to a ziplock bag. The spreading them out makes it so they freeze individually, not as one big clumg, so I can take what I need

    • interesting. Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to start keeping a lookout for veggie sales, especially bell peppers since they get really expensive at certain times of the year.

      I never knew you could freeze whole tomatoes. Will definitely start doing that.


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