Wondering what the best prices in Turkey are this week? Check out our list of all Turkeys you can find near you on sale.
It's that time of year when Butterball turkeys are everywhere! I have found BJ's to offer great prices on Butterball turkeys. Plus, we have a list of all brands of Turkeys on sale this week from other stores.
This year 2022, we know that everything has gone up in price. That means turkey prices are way up this year.
BJ's was the go-to place to grab Butterball Turkey for only $0.89/lb. That's all changed this year in 2022.
*Update BJ's has now lowered their turkey price for 2022!
This year you can purchase frozen Butterball Turkeys for $1.59/lb at BJ's Wholesale club. As of Nov. 14th they now have Butterball Turkeys for $0.99/lb!
BJs sells fresh Butterball turkeys too, but they are not out at clubs yet.
In the past, BJ's has had promotions where you spend a certain amount and get a free turkey. They may do that again this year. We will update this post and inform our email subscribers immediately when we hear anything about the turkey promotion.
Scroll down to price compare turkeys on sale from other top retailers this week!
There is a limit of two frozen Butterball Turkeys per member.
Please note these prices are for the Rochester NY region.
The best way to find prices in your region is to use the Flipp app to price compare!
Check out the Tiktok Video I did on it below.
@thefrugalfarmgirlit’s a time & moneysaver! ##moneysavertips ##groceryshoppingonabudget ##extremegrocerybudgetchallenge ##savingmoneyinthebank ##groceryshoppinghack ##moneyha♬ original sound – Tasia
They have Butterball Frozen Turkeys for $0.87/lb. Limit 2- Update for 2022, $1.59/lb.
Shady Brook Farms Whole Frozen Turkey $0.59/lb.- Not available yet this year, will update.
Foster Farms Farms Turkey $0.99/lb based on last year's price.- Not updated for 2022 yet.
Butterball Fresh Turkey $0.99/lb.
Check out Costco VS BJ's Gas Prices Here.
Save a Lot
Honeysuckle White Turkey $0.49/lb.
Shady Brook Farms Frozen Turkey $0.49/lb with $25 Min. Purchase- Not updated yet.
Frozen Butterball Turkey $1.49/lb. – Not updated yet.
Trader Joe's
All Natural No Antibiotics Brined Fresh Young Turkey $1.99/lb- last years price- Not updated yet.
Tops Markets
$0.48/lb. for Tops brand- Not updated yet.
Not updated for 2022. Free turkey when you spend the required amount. It looks like you need to spend $400, but it's been over a long period of time. Details here.
Sam's Club-
$2.68 a lb. for Member's Mark Smoked Turkey
Butterball Turkey Frozen $1.68/lb.
Honeysuckle Frozen Turkey $0.87/lb.