Yesterday I was in the club- of course I practically live there- well next door anyways 🙂 And I saw they have some holiday baking items out! These items don't stick around for long so it's nice to grab them and use a coupon with these! It's always a good idea to print coupons when you see them and activate Savingstar offers when you want them before they are gone! You could do that and wait to see if a BJ's coupon becomes available next week for an even better deal!
Here's the deal:
Buy 3 Betty Crocker Holiday Sugar Cookie Mix 3 pk. $4.99 ea. ( I know this says a three pack- but they are three pouches inside that do not have their own barcode which means you have to buy three of the items!)
Use the $0.75/3 printable coupon here and
Use the $0.75/3 Savingstar offer here
Final Price: $13.47 or $1.49 a pouch!
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