Alright friends, here's the deal—if you've been heading to BJ's for your regular egg haul, there’s a new limit in place. You’re now capped at two cartons per trip. Yep, two. This is happening at our BJ's club here in Western New York (and likely in other locations too, from what others are saying on the post.)
I get it; it’s a bummer if you have a big family or just love omelets. But hey, I guess this is their way of ensuring there’s enough to go around for everyone.
Anyway, instead of rambling on, I actually put together a short Instagram reel about it! If you want the full scoop (and maybe a little humor to soften the blow), check it out here: Instagram Reel.
The reason for the egg shortage is the bird flu.
At our local club a 36 pack of eggs are $13.79.
If you are thinking about raising your own chickens ( I've been doing it for over 10 years now, check out my blog about chickens here!)
While we may be dealing with an egg shortage, at least we have the internet to communicate and remind us we’re not alone.
Have you run into this same limit at BJ’s or anywhere else?
Drop a comment and share your experience—or just your favorite egg puns. We could all use a laugh at this point! 🥚
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