You only have a few days to take advantage of some nice BJ's clipless coupons on Brita Water Systems of filters. One of the perks to being a member at BJs is stacking manufacturer coupons ON top of BJ's coupons.
Right now you can print two new coupons to save on Brita items. Below are a few deal scenarios for BJ's members. The clipless coupons end on August 8, 2018.
Check out the FULL LIST of all the BEST Deals at BJ's Wholesale this week HERE.
Save $4.00 on any Brita® pitcher, Longlast Filters, or Pitcher and Faucet Mounted filter multi-packs
Save $2.00 on any (1) Brita® on-the-go bottle
If you want to get started with a Brita check out this deal.
Buy 1 Brita Monterey Pitcher System Plus 2 Advance Brita Filters $29.99
BJ's clipless coupon for $7.00 (auto deducts at the register)
Print and Use the $4.00/1 coupon here
Final Price: $18.99 ( That is an $11 savings!)
Buy 1 Brita Pour-Through Pitcher Replacement Filter, 6 pk. $29.99
Clipless coupon for $6.00 auto deducts at the register
Print and Use the $4.00/1 coupon here
Final Price: $19.99 A $10 Savings!
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