Did you know that you can make a little bit of cash when you print coupons? That's right! Just another reason you can start to ditch the Sunday Newspaper Coupons, since P&G shows a coupon that isn't valid and says to go to their site to print anyway, now you can earn some cash back when you print.
- Remember to confirm your account in your email to get started.
Many of these companies listed below will allow you more opportunities to earn cash back.
Earn 10 Swagbucks per coupon printed- ( equals $0.10/print)
Earning Station
Pays $0.10 per coupon printed
Similar to Swagbucks you will earn 10 points per coupon printed with a bonus 25 points if you use 10 coupons in a month.
InBox Dollars
Earn $0.10 per coupon you print AND get a $5 sign up bonus.
Will pay you cash back on your shopping and also pays you to clip coupons. You’ll earn 10 points for every coupon that you redeem.
You can also earn cash other ways like taking surveys, completing offers, and much more.
Points can be exchanged for Gift Cards, Products, PayPal payments, and Check, most starting at $5.
Only $0.02 per print on Hopster Coupons. Hopster has natural/organic coupons. They have a bunch of fun ways to earn cash online too.
Earn $0.10 for each coupon printed and redeemed. 22
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