Have you ever heard of barding? I tried this method last year, and it couldn't be easier. Fat is placed over a lean meat to retain moistness and impart flavor, and richness. It is in essence, an automatic basting technique! The result was a scrumptious and moist turkey.
You will need the items below for a 14 lb bird. Just increase the amounts of cheesecloth and salt pork if you are cooking a much bigger turkey.
– 1 lb of salt pork
– 2 yards of cheesecloth
– Foil to cover the turkey
– 4 cups of water
– V-rack to hold the turkey up in the pan
1. Put the turkey on a v-rack
2. Tuck the wings under the bird
3. Cut the salt pork into 1/4″ strips
4. Poke holes with a fork into the breast and thighs
5. Lay salt pork over the breast and thighs
6. Soak the cheesecloth in the 2 cups of water
7. Lay the cheesecloth over the salt pork
8. Pour remaining water over the bird
9. Tent the areas of cheesecloth with foil
10. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 3 hours or until the breast reads 140 degrees with a thermometer
11. Remove the turkey from the oven
12. Remove foil, cheesecloth, and salt pork
13. Continue baking at 425 for 1 hour or until breast reads 170 degrees with a thermometer
14. Tent the bird with foil and let it rest for 20 minutes before carving
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Amy Talbott
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