Head to your local BJ's for marked down summer items. Seriously, I couldn't believe how many pieces of Back to School furniture and supplies are out at BJs and other stores. Last year it seemed early this year, WAY TO EARLY! I know I am not the only one who feels this way. The kids have only been out of school a couple weeks.
This just means we can get summer items for cheap and still use them this season.
If you want until the end of July or August for summer items you probably won't find any. You will find fall decor though! 😉
There are a couple different colors if these summer towels. Marked down to $4,48 each is a steal!
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Don't forget to check out all the latest deals we have posted here.
Check out the FULL LIST of all the BEST Deals at BJ's Wholesale this week HERE.
HEADS UP! Prime Day is July 16th and that's a super time to have a Prime Account. Get Christmas shopping started and maybe even DONE in July!Sign up for Prime now if you haven't for a FREE 30-day trial !
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