WOW OH WOW! Perfect timing for this coupon to come out. Print today.
There is a save $5 when you buy a Butterball Turkey coupon here. Through tomorrow you can grab a Butterball Turkey at BJ's for $0.89/lb. The two I picked up were just around $8 so after my $5 rebate $3 for a whole Turkey! WOW!
UPDATE: Ok so now I am seeing a receive 4 $1 off coupons… That is misleading. Of course my printer doesn't want to work this morning so I can't print it out to get the details! If anyone prints it can you comment below! If it is individual coupons then that is a bummer! All I saw was the coupon below leading me to believe we actually got a $5 rebate check..
Note: this coupon is through a mail in rebate! The rebate form will print out on a FULL page. So plan your coupon printing accordingly!
Just an update for anyone curious. I finally got it to print and it says buy a butterball turkey frozen or a fresh whole turkey between 9/1/15 – 4/12/16 and receive 5 $1 butterball coupons by mail to use on future butterball purchases.