BJ's members have you seen the new packaging for BJ's rotisserie chicken? There's no denying picking up a Rotisserie chicken at a wholesale club like BJ's or Costco for $4.99 an easy dinner on the table.
There is always the great Costco VS. BJ's debate ( And if you want to see articles we posted comparing the two tap here.)
Now BJ's Rotisserie chickens are no longer coming in a plastic bag you could microwave. They are coming in the dome lids- much like their competitor- Costco. ( Did you know I started a new blog where we share how much we LOVE Costco here?)
BJ's Wholesale club carries Perdue Rotisserie chicken for $4.99 and they carry Perdue Harvestland chicken for $5.99 and the Harvestland is still in a bag.
If you need dinner ideas for using a Rotisserie chicken I've got 11 for you here.
Costco carries Kirkland Signature Rotisserie chicken for $4.99. If you want to see, our first Costco Grocery Trip Haul check it out here.
To be fair while most other grocery stores' rotisserie chicken contains MSG, both Costco and Perdue do not.
Perdue's chicken has 320 mg of Sodium for every 3 oz serving. Kirkland's chicken comes in at 460 milligrams per serving.
Some will argue more sodium means a better-tasting bird?
The Rotisserie chickens from both BJs and Costco come in at 3 lbs.
If you are curious how we liked the Costco Rotisserie chicken check out our review on it here. ( Be warned the picture alone makes your mouth water!)
I'm not sure why BJ's would go to the plastic dome over the bags if waste was an issue. Or maybe it's Perdue? Since the Harvested chicken is still bagged, I'm not sure why the decision. Other then what stands out to me as a member is, it looks more like Costco's.
The good news is now if I'm shopping at either wholesale club I'll know you can't go wrong with a rotisserie chicken.
I prefer the old packaging. The ones with the dome lids leak and make a terrible mess. The bags are so much cleaner, can be re-sealed, and can be microwaved.
Great rotisserie chicken