I wanted to share this press release with you about BJ's sourcing 100% Cage-Free Eggs by 2022. Since we currently own 30 chickens this is something near and dear to my heart. Although free range in some situations isn't what we hoped it would be it's better then confinement and the fact is changes are being made. I not only love BJ's for the prices but the fact that they care about the community and the environment.
“BJ’s Wholesale Club announces today that the company will transition its entire supply of whole, shell eggs from cage-free farms sold at its more than 210 warehouses by 2022 or as quickly as the infrastructure will support.
Additionally, BJ’s plans to source its pre-cracked, liquid eggs from cage-free farms by 2025. As a large-volume buyer of proteins and animal products, it is BJ’s responsibility to ensure a high standard of welfare for animals in our supply chain, said Scott Williams, assistant vice president of quality assurance and environmental stewardship for BJ’s Wholesale Club.
In cage-free egg production, hens are not confined to cages and can interact with flock mates within a large enclosed barn. The hens are able to engage in important natural behaviors, such as walking, dust bathing, perching, and laying their eggs in nests.
This is a meaningful improvement over caged systems, where hens are not even able to fully spread their wings. BJ’s and our Members are growing more concerned about where our food is coming from, how it is grown, and the welfare of the animals and people that are involved in the supply chain, said Rob Johnson, dairy buyer for BJ’s Wholesale Club.
Transitioning to cage-free eggs will meet the demands of our Members in providing more farm fresh, healthier options while also reducing animal suffering.BJ’s Wholesale Club is showing leadership on animal welfare and is paving the way for retailers on this important issue, said Aaron Ross, director of campaigns at The Humane League. We applaud BJ’s commitment to progress for farmed animals.For more information about how to reduce animal suffering, visit http://www.thehumaneleague.com/”
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