If you are a fan of Cheerios you can score a fantastic deal at BJ's. Cheerios is one of the few kinds of cereal at BJs that comes in a two pack of boxes. Which means you can use one manufacturer coupon per barcode.
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Here's the breakdown:
Stacks With – $1.50/1 Cheerios Yellow Box , Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Cocoa Puffs Cereal – BJ's Coupon (exp. 07/11/18)
PLUS you will receive $3 in Pampers coupons.
Here's the breakdown on Pampers diapers at BJs:
Pampers Swaddlers Diapers – $24.99
Final Price: $20.49
I love Cheerios too! I had them since I was a small child many moons ago! Great deal!
Love Cheerios.