There are various coupon organization methods. For instance, I do not clip all the coupons at once. Instead, I write the dates of the insert on the front page so I can find things easily when I see a great deal, and only clip when needed. But I did try clipping for a few weeks, and here is how I went about clipping more than one insert at a time, to save precious time!
Step 1:
I separated the insert and stacked similar pages together.
Step 2:
Once lined up correctly, I used my trusty red, Swingline stapler (a gag gift from my friend because of the movie, “Office Space”) to staple the coupons together on the product image. You must be careful to leave the expiration date, barcode and coupon info intact.
Step 3:
I cut the coupon about 1/4″ around the coupon. Just in case the stacked coupons shifted, it wouldn't cut off important details. Don't ask me how I know! 😉
I hope this method saves you a little time!
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