Print a new manufacturer coupon to stack with a BJs coupon to save on Hormel Mary's Kitchen Corned Beef Hash! You only have today and tomorrow to do this deal with the BJs coupon.
If you aren't aware BJs changed their coupon policy here. We can now only use ONE manufacturer coupon with a BJs coupon regardless of how many barcodes, BUT the good news is we can use a $1.00/2 coupon. This was confirmed to me by a BJs employee.
BUT as we all have discussed in our Facebook group your club could vary.
Here's the breakdown:
Hormel Mary's Kitchen Corned Beef Hash, 6 pk./15 oz. $11.49
Print and use the $1.00/2 coupon here AND
Use the $2.00/1 BJs coupon expires 5/8
Final Price: $8.49 or $1.41 a can