I just got back from BJ's today and wanted to share a few of the deals I got with you!
I also did a straightforward yogurt deal at Walmart – scoring Dannon and Chobani Yogurt for 29¢ each! Check out that deal here.
Here's the clearance I spotted at BJs!
The L'oreal Elive is one of my favorite hair care items EVER!
One bottle of this is priced at $9.99 at Walmart!
It's not showing up online, but I got this deal at the Batavia, NY, store. I know Greece and Rochester carry this item, but I am not sure if it has been marked down there yet.
Two Packs of L'oreal Elvive Wonder Water $9.98 each
One pack of Sun Bum 2 pk. Sunscreen $4.98 – This was $16.99 regular price at BJ's this year!
Then I had a $10 reward!
I paid $14.94 for all this!
It's like paying $2.49 an item!
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