Did you know that BJ's has a price accuracy guarantee?
If you find a grocery item is marked lower than the price at the register, they will give you one such item free, and any additional items at the correct sale price. – This is confirmed at MA stores and will be adding if it is confirmed in other stores across the east coast.
There are pricing error laws. Meaning that if you live in one of these states they have to give you the error in the price you found.
So, keep your eyes peeled! 🙂
Also if you buy Wellsely Farms brand and do not like the product you can return it for 100% money back!
Stood in line for 35 minutes to speak with a manager about me being overcharged for an Item . Manager refused to give anything away for free And stated he would just give me the overpriced amount back. Most good stores like Publix windixie and shopright we’ll give you the item free.
Jensen Beach Florida b j’s will not.
How can you find out more about this policy at your local BJ’s? Just ask the customer service desk?
Yes I would talk to customer service or the manager at your local store.
This isn't a BJs policy. It's a state law, so it only applies in those states with the law.
Technically, it isn't free. We can't ring up an item for $0.00, so we charge you a penny for it. FYI. (Still not a bad deal!)