Pedialyte has been a staple in our home for many years. Whenever I would see a great deal at the store (with coupons) or a good generic price, I would stock up. Yet, I would always cringe about the chemicals listed on the back.
You know how pricey a little bottle of Pedialyte is. Well, here is a great solution. Homemade Pedialyte, which in my opinion, tastes MUCH better.
My trick for giving Pedialyte to a sick child consists of 1 teaspoon every 15 minutes. If they can hold those doses down for 2 hours, I increase it by a teaspoon every hour thereafter. I use a medicine dosage cup from liquid Advil or Tylenol and set the egg timer.
1 Cup of Warm (not hot) Water
2 Tablespoons + 2 Teaspoons of Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
3 Cups of Cold Water
1 Cup of Juice (I like white grape juice)
Dissolve sugar and salt into the warm water. Mix in the cold water and juice. Refrigerate.
There! Isn't that better? Tastier and much easier on the purse!
Is this ok for adults?
Hmmm, very interesting and simple to make. Thanks for stopping by and sharing on Throwback Thursday Blog Style. I hope you will stop by again.
good to know, sick child today! what a coincidence – God Bless for your advice<br />
This is exactly what I need to learn. My little kids love this and this quite cost a couple of dollars. DIY of this is surely a big deal.