One of Amazons Best selling items right now is AncestryDNA, Genetic Testing- DNA Ancestry Test Kit. $99 on sale everywhere right now for $54.99.
- The #1 selling consumer DNA test is also the leading DNA test with over 1 billion family connections.
- Uncover your ethnic mix across 165 regions worldwide, including 9 unique regions of Africa.
- Ancestry has the world’s largest consumer DNA network—over 6 million people and counting. (Do you find this troubling?)
- The only consumer DNA test with six million chances to find new relatives.
- AncestryDNA helps you discover the people and places that made you who you are.
But what do they do with your genetic information?
Senator Chuck Schumer says it might be dangerous to give companies that market them access to your genetic codes.
“Many don't realize that their sensitive information may end up in the hands of many other third-party companies,” Schumer said at a press conference in Manhattan Sunday.
Schumer said he is calling on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate, especially since the makers of the kits have ramped up their marketing for the holidays.
Schumer points out that AncestryDNA’s fine print tells customers it reserves the right to “communicate your genetic information for the purposes of providing products and services.”
Schumer countered that disclaimers can’t ensure total privacy anyway because the data isn’t covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which means companies can share data much like financial institutions that sell your phone number and address if you don’t check a hidden privacy box.
So with this being presented, and you're aware of what companies like AncestryDNA may do with your information. Do you care? Are you still eager to know? Or are you in defense of your genetic history and stand with Senator Chuck Schumer's assessment?
Melissa Dunn
No it shouldn’t be giving out information specially if I am paying to get the results of the DNA etc ..