See the roller coaster image up there? That was my week. Though, I didn't have as much fun as the person in the front. I was more like the person in the back holding on for dear life.
Regardless of the twists and turns, hills and valleys, I cannot help but feel grateful for all the blessings in my life. Here is a short list of the simple things that I thank God for:
1. My faith in God. I am sincere when I say how grateful I am for my faith in Him. I can see His grace in every moment of every day. His goodness and mercy (Psalm 136). Like David, I sing praise to Him (1 Chronicles 29:13). For He is slow to anger, and abounding in mercy (Psalm 108). Rich in kindness because of His great love for me (Ephesians 2:4). When you hear that faith is a gift, it truly is. One that I continue to open each moment, and be delighted in. God is my strength, my shield, my rock, my fortress, my salvation, and my all. Amen.
2. My husband that supports me, loves me for who I am (warts and all), is my confidant, my companion through the good and the bad. He is a wonderful father to my children.
3. The beautiful children that have been entrusted to my care. Though I'm not perfect, my love for them goes without measure. I would do anything for them.
4. For the various ways God takes care of us. The roof over our heads, the heat to keep us warm. Food on the table. And loving family, friends, and Church that help us in times of need.
5. I thank God for the gift of our health. My prayers are with those who are suffering from illness, have lost loved ones and are grieving, and with those who are dealing with things we do not even know about.
I could continue this list. Yet, I was trying to keep it short. Last week I read a beautiful post from A Nest in the Rocks about writing your own Psalm. It touched my heart because I love getting lost in the praise of Psalms. We will be doing this exercise Monday with my children, in preparation for Thanksgiving. Stop by Amy's page for a moment to read how she awakened the spirit of thanksgiving in her children with this simple (and fun) exercise. You could do this for yourself on a sheet of paper. You will be amazed about how long your list will be!
Please let me know what you are thankful for in the comments. I enjoy hearing what they are.
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Here are my top 3 picks that I don't want you to miss from last week. I CANNOT choose just one, so I had to expand it to 3. Even that was hard. I would have chosen all of you.
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