I wanted to point out this coupon in case you missed it in the Front of Club coupon matchups. You can score a free 7 lbs. bag of Domino Brown or Confectioner's sugar at BJ's when you buy any two McCormick Items.
Many of the spices come in a 22 oz. bottle and priced around $5.79. I love getting my spices at the club because they are affordable. You can grab organic spices as well. You can browse available spices at BJ's online and in store here.
You can find this coupon in the Front of Club Coupon Booklet near the front entrance of the club.
Here's a deal Scenario:
Buy 2 McCormick Spices $4.99 each=$9.98
Buy 1 Domino Brown Sugar
- Use the $0.40/1 Domino Granulated Sugar – 9-10-17 SS; Includes 4 lb (exp 11/19/17)
- Use the B2G1 Free BJs coupon in the Front of Club Booklet expires 10/11
Final Price: $9.58 for all three!
Wow, that really is a big deal! I must grab that the next time I run to BJ’s!