In honor of Memorial Day, here is a list of great freebies for Veterans and their families. We thank you, for your service to our country!
Do you know a military family with a loved one currently deployed in the armed forces? Maybe they could benefit from free lawn and garden service while they are away. Send them this link, to Project EverGreen, where they can request free lawn service.
Do you know of a person coming home from a tour of duty? offers free welcome home banners and signs to friends and family!
Operation Home Front has a plethora of free “I Served” stickers for your vehicle.
Our Military Kids provides grants for sports, fine arts, camps, and tutoring programs.
You can send troops a free cup of joe, or troops can register to receive free cups of joe from Green Beans Coffee.
Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix) provides FREE event tickets to family members of troops Killed In Action (K.I.A.), our Military and Veterans to sporting events, concerts, performing arts and family activities.
They also provide free and discounted tickets to currently serving and veterans of all branches of the US military.
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