How are you doing with earning points called SB? A little each day can really add up.
This morning I earned the following:
Performing a Tool Bar Search = 10
No Obligation Special Offers = 2
Daily Poll = 1
Special Offer: SupersonicAds = 1
Special Offer: SVN: Home Depot Q3 Fall Flooring = 8
Played Find the Pink Yoplait Lids in 30 Seconds Game = 7
Special Offer: Volume11 = 1
Special Offer: SVN: Disney Movie Rewards Q3 2012 = 6
Swagbucks TV Watching Movie Trailers = 3
Swagbucks TV Watching Recipes = 3
Plus, I signed up for the Zombies vs. Vampires game to earn extra points throughout the month of October.
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