On Mondays, I like to catch up around the house and figure out what we will eat for the week. There is nothing worse than standing in front of the freezer trying to figure out what to eat at 5pm!
This morning I detail cleaned the kitchen and tossed old food out from the fridge while the children ate breakfast. Then, I took inventory of what proteins were in the freezer and made my shopping list. Here is our menu plan for dinner this week:
Monday – Dump Chicken (bottle of salad dressing and then sprinkled bread crumbs on top, then baked) with a rice side dish, peas and green beans.
Tuesday – Tacos and mock Chipotle rice
Wednesday – Spaghetti with meat sauce and a simple salad
Thursday – Spring Salad with chicken and breadsticks
Friday – Cheese quesadillas
What's on your menu for this week? 🙂 I'd love to read your list and/or recipes!
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