I kind of thought I wasn't going to make this post today and then something amazing happened- my three year old fell asleep! This kid hardly naps and the quiet has been glorious!
This is a good thing since tonight is Halloween and that means sugar buzz and meltdowns. 🙂 I hope you all have a great night if you partake in trick or treating. I'm always thankful it's not snowing. It is only in the high 40s though.
I just planned my menu and did a grocery shopping trip this morning instead of Sunday. Yesterday I took the day off to just relax and be still. It's hard but the older I get the more important I know it is to do.
When I'm still I remember that there is something bigger in control. 🙂
So I went to Tops Markets this week and was so excited for my $1.99 King Arthur 5 lb. bag of flour after my coupon and of course they only had one. It's been a few months since I really couponed at another store other then BJ's and Target and so many things were out. I started saying- “Is is worth it?”
Then when I cashed out and saw my savings – I remembered. It's worth it.
It's our hard earned cash. Things are outrageous. Of course we can take our time to save some. I
So this week here's our menu:
For Breakfast we stick to cereal, oatmeal eggs. We have 22 laying hens!
*Don’t forget you can try BJ’s Wholesale Club for THREE Months for free here.
See ya next Monday!
Monday: Harvest Hamburger- ( This recipe is in the Freezer to Slow Cooker Free Meal Plan Here)
Tuesday: Bacon Lettuce Tomato Sandwiches
Wednesday: Minestrone Soup with Homemade Rolls( This is in the Freezer Meal Plan too)
Thursday: Baked Ziti with side salad
Friday: Tuna Noodle Casserole
Saturday: Hamburgers with french fries
Sunday: Leftovers or Homemade pizza depending on what we munch on for lunch
Meal planning will also build a family bond. Your kids will see you in the kitchen and they may want to help. I encourage you to let them help you even if you are just starting out cooking and feel uncomfortable, let them hand you your utensils.
If you grew up with not much of a cooking background start small. Don’t whip out the recipes that call for 10+ ingredients and knife skills.
You do not want to get discouraged, you want to feed your family for less.
My favorite recipes I started cooking with was from the classic Betty Crocker Cookbook. I suggest this to anyone wanting to start cooking and has no idea where to begin. It gives you the basics on everything from the cuts of meat, to basic spices, and how to shape your own loaves of bread.
Once you get a feel for how food blends together you will gain confidence and feel proud.
If you are crunched on time you can still menu plan. There are hundreds of those freezer meal plans you can purchase or find your own on Pinterest that I know several of my friends love.
It is a personal preference if freezer cooking is for you. I really enjoy blending the ingredients together and if I am so crunched on time where I can’t prep a meal that’s when I turn to my emergency plan- frozen fish sticks or the crock pot.
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