This giveaway is running weekly so each week if you spot a new deal at BJ's Wholesale club share it with me and you'll be entered to win a $25 BJ's Gift card! Winners are picked on Saturday.
Here's the details.
Here’s How:
- Submit a picture of a super deal from these three stores ONLY: BJ’s, Target or Kohls. ( If you send me a picture of a deal from any other store it won’t count) Look for clipless coupons, discountinued items at BJs too
- Each deal you submit is ONE entry for the $25 BJs Giftcard. ( If I get a ton of entries it will be bumped to a $50 Gift card!)
- Each week a new winner will be picked.
- You have from Sunday to Sat to submit a deal.
- If you submit a deal that expires the same day it won’t count for an entry- UNLESS it’s a freebie ?
- Keep in mind only HOT deals will be used here on the site with your FIRST name only shared.
- If you are following my site on Facebook feel free to message me your image that way too.
- Share this giveaway with your friends and help us build an AMAZING community of like-minded people who love to save money and help others!
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