Do you like to shop? I know I enjoy shopping but only when I can get a deal. Even if I am getting a great deal buying things I don't need with money I don't have will always be a problem.
My husband and I decided we needed to get smart with our money. We paid off all our debt except for our mortgage. This allowed us to buy our dream 1850s farmhouse with land and now even on a smaller construction worker's salary, we are on a 10-year plan to pay off our mortgage. We plan to start our own sustainable farm -all debt free.
If you are wanting to learn how to live a debt free life I suggest reading the article below and checking out my other site here.
First Shared on The Frugal Farm Girl.
If you are a spender does this situation resonate?
“Oh don’t go in that room. It’s just a bunch of old stuff.” As you close the door and show your guest a different room of the house.
Inside you start to feel guilty. Then you quickly brush it off. All that stuff has sentimental value. All that stuff was a deal. All that stuff was _____.
We live in a world where access to things we think we need is way too easy.
How dangerous is it to turn on 1-click ordering on Amazon Prime and other sites?
I saw on the Today show an article on how shopping online during late evening hours is on the rise. This is due to people possibly drinking and shopping. Check out this article on what they call the “sip and click”.
If you are looking for financial margin ask yourself seriously right now “Is My Stuff Slowing Me Down?
You may realize that you could have extra money each month for that family vacation you have been longing for just by cutting back on your spending.
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