Every week you can send me pictures of great deals you have found at the club or at Target or Kohls. Each picture you sends is your entry. On Saturday I pick a winner. The giveaway runs from Sunday to Saturday. I know it's Monday but it's a holiday weekend!
Please congratulate Trisha Rose Strumsky! She is the winner of the $25 BJs gift card!
PLUS if you haven't joined our facebook group go on and do that because every Monday I give away MORE gift cards to active members! Wed. same thing over on the Facebook Page!
Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in deals! It is so much fun and we are truly creating a community of like-minded money saving awesome folks 😉
Thank you Amanda!
Amanda McLaughlin
Hi Tasia!!!
I’m not sure if the deal submission is only limited to BJs, Target and Kohl’s, but I came across a deal at Rite Aid that is only good on Saturday 7/8 if you buy the early edition of the newspaper with the inserts. In this upcoming weekend’s Redplum there is a $4/2 L’Oréal hair expert shampoo, conditioner or styler. L’Oréal hair expert shampoos, conditioners and stylers are on sale 2 for $8 and get $3 Plenti Points when you buy 2 (limit 2 offers). After coupon and Plenti points it would be $4 out of pocket but $1 after Points.