YAY! I am excited to share with you the pages on MyBJswholesale are now printer friendly.
You will now see an icon that says Print Shopping List at the top of the post- only when you click on that post. So if you are scrolling through the homepage it won't be there until you click the actual post.
Once you click that icon there a pop up appears. The entire post will be shown.
You can then go through and choose what items you want on your shopping list.
You simply hover over the item until it is highlighted and click to delete. If you end up deleting something on accident there is an undo button at the top. When you click to delete make sure the whole deal shows highlighted or you will just delete the line that is highlighted.
This is how you want it to look:
Once you have your items selected hit the print button at the top. And that's it! I hope this helps with your shopping trips! Would love any feedback you have!
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