Well, where do I begin? I'm just going to plainly state it. I'm about to embark on a clean eating journey. The reasons why are many, but here are just a few.
– My health. Although I would have listed my weight first, I must be honest and say that my health is greatly compromised right now due to the poor food choices I've made for decades.
– My weight. I have thankfully lost 15 lbs over the past few months, but I firmly believe it is a result of my compromised health (as noted above), and not because of any significant changes on my part.
– The overall health of my family. No doubt they will benefit from some changes. I am in charge of the shopping and cooking, so this may help in fostering new good habits.
I'm at a cross-roads, and trying to decide how best to implement changes. The fact that I have to make a big change is no mistake. Yet which lifestyle should I choose? There are gluten-free, paleo, clean eating, atkins, south beach, GAPs, blood type diet, etc. My head is spinning as I try to figure out what to do.
Whatever road I choose has to be simple, and it has to be easy to fit my busy life. It has to be nourishing and budget-friendly. It has to be gluten-free and densely rich in vitamins.
– simple
– easy
– nourishing
– budget-friendly
– gluten-free
I will keep those five keys in mind as I read recipes and develop new meals.
I know the rewards will far outweigh the initial drudgery of coming up with a plan to put in motion. However, plan I must. Without one I'm doomed to fail. Of course there will be bumps from falling along the way, but just as in all good things in life, I have to take the long view. Become a marathoner and not a sprinter, or else the goal will never happen.
So what are my goals? To increase my energy, to slim down, to not feel sick from poor food choices any longer. I'm completely fed up. So many times I've wondered why I keep doing the same things and reaping the same ill effects. I chalk it up to poor planning on my part, and not putting my needs ahead of other things.
That's all in the past though! I'm very grateful that I've finally come to this crossroad. Now, I can mindfully go about changing for the better.
I hope you will come along with me as I set out on this personal journey. Perhaps you are thinking of making changes in your own life. It would be nice to encourage each other.
Tell me: Has food ever made you feel sick? Did you make long-lasting changes in your lifestyle to improve your health? What were they?
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