Are you name brand shopper? I've heard others on social media sharing they love the price for name brand items at BJs, but did you realize how much cheaper the store brand is?
This isn't just for BJ's brand items, this is the same for all store brand items. Many times the store brand is the exact same product as the name brand.
Contact solution can be pricey. Wholesale clubs offer a 25% discount on their original price compared to grocery stores. When you shop at BJs, you get BJs brand price PLUS they have their own store coupons.
Not to mention you could make some serious batches of slime for the holidays with it.
Do you need a deal on a BJs members? New members or returning members grab a $15 for the year membership deal HERE.
The Berkley Jensen brand comes with a 100% money back guarantee. There is no reason not to try it. Seriously NO reason. It will cost you less out of pocket and if you think it's terrible, go ahead and take it to your local club and get all your money back.
I love that BJ's continues to work on their own branding image. Not too long ago they also changed their brand packaging to make it easy on us members here.
You could buy your favorite brand BioTrue for $20.99. You get two lens cases, and two 16 oz. bottles. You could look through our amazing coupon database here and see if there is a coupon. ( Which there isn't right now) to save a $1 possibly.
**Curious about other BJs brand products I've tried? Check out my reviews here.
Or you could just grab the Berkley Jensen box which has THREE 16 oz bottles and lens case for $9.99.
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Let's see you can pay $3.33 per bottle or $10.49 per bottle.
( Ps.. don't forget to engage in our posts, each comment is an entry to our weekly Gift card giveaways.)
Which are you choosing?
Even if you don't use contact solution you could gift this to a teacher with a huge bottle of Elmer's glue from BJs too! Or donate it to your local daycare etc. This is a super price. And if you've made slime the contact solution is the best.
good stuff
Thank you for comparing brands to help us save money. Great work!
Great deal. I love my glasses. Sorry can’t see me sticking anything in my eye.
I got a sample of biotrue when I got new contacts. I like it but it is expensive. I’m okay with buying store brand solution. I have many times.
That’s a great price
For that price I’m definitely going to try it. If I don’t like it I can return it since it’s their brand. I won’t know unless I try it right? Thanks for sharing Tasia.
I’m going to have to try this!