I loved the 50% 0ff price of greeting cards at BJ's. But they have done away with that we have a new price on greeting cards at BJ's. This was one of my must buy item at BJ's because paying $2.50 for a card is reasonable to me compared to $5.50.
Buy three cards get $3 off. The downside is that the cards are now the regular price and who else agrees with me that $5 for a greeting card is expensive. Greeting cards are also something we are seeing a shift because more people are giving thank you cards, invitations etc. online. It's this trend that makes me wonder if they are enticing the buyer to buy more cards.
So anyways I wanted to share this update with you in case you had greeting cards on your list and then were shocked at the price. It still may be a better deal then other retailers because we usually don't see greeting cards on sale.
But all my frugal followers like me will be heading right to the $0.99 area- which they do have at BJ's. I can't help but wonder what do people do with their greeting cards after they receive them anyways? 😉
So I guess after all I will still be picking up the occasional greeting cards at BJ's.
What about you, after this new price on greeting cards at BJ's will you still be picking yours up there?
Your comment about what do people do with the greeting cards after they read it, they probably do the same same thing they do with a beer or a glass of wine after it has been drunk, gas after they put it in the car, ice cream after they eat it. The difference is that when a person gets a card they feel good about the card and that the person has taken the time to express gratitude, thanks, sympathy, love and many other emotions and they are long lasting. How long does a beer or wine last and what do you remember about it and do not feel guilty about paying for it.