You won't find any coupons in tomorrow's newspaper.
Or the next week.
We are on a newspaper clipping break until 2017! Just like all our favorite shows. I'm loving– This is Us and a huge fan of The Walking Dead!
The kids will soon be off of school and time to just settle will be upon us.
Or count the days until the kids are back to school because they are driving us CRAZY!! ( no never right?!)
I hope you all are getting into the Christmas spirit and able to find a sense of peace and calming.
We purchased our first real tree this year since it's our first Christmas in our farmhouse, and I must say it took us 3 days to get some ornaments on and then another 2 to finish it.
( Sorry I had to copy the picture from Instagram if the quality is poor)
Yet the light shines bright.
May your light shine bright this holiday season!!!
Now if you are having coupon withdrawals from your Sunday newspaper head on over to the coupon database to search for the ones you need or browse my absolute favorite free printable coupon site.
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