For real, this is no joke. To truly save money couponing you have to put time into it right? Many times the first thing people tell me when I share how to really coupon with them, ” I don't have time.” ” Oh isn't that so time-consuming?”
Why take extra time to save $1? Or worse, $0.50?
Friends, that's the fear keeping you from what could possibly be hundreds of dollars in savings. Don't believe me check out our debt free story that started with couponing.
Check out this video of how you should be couponing weekly.
If you still have questions ask them in the comment section below. Or check out our FAQ page for beginners here.
Scroll down for other helpful articles I have published here on the site to help you start couponing.
Jerry Marquardt
The biggest hurdle of couponing is running out of time, and having too macny coupons left to expire.
My biggest hurdle is the coupons they say will be in the sunday paper is they are not there
Jennifer S.
It’s hard to take time and get organized
Liz Burrell
My biggest hurdle while trying to coupon is having the time to get to the store while there is product still in the shelves! So frustrating to plan a deal only to find the shelves have been cleared.
Carolyn Daley
Sometimes I forget to bring my coupons with me or the coupons do not match up with the size of the product that is on sale.
Tom H.
I concur with the sentiments about buying more store brands, shopping Aldi, etc where couponing doesn’t really factor in. My biggest hurdle with couponing though is probably organization. The worst is getting through checkout and realizing I forgot or overlooked a coupon. To combat this, I usually write my list and put a notation by the item to indicate a coupon and then stick the coupons in front of my membership or credit card, so I have them on hand for the cashier or set them on top of the self-checkout scanner.
Finding time is the biggest hurdle!
Terry B
Getting the coupons
Organizing is hard
Remembering to add the electronic coupons to each store account. It’s great to have a reminder that new coupons are available.
Julie Barrett
another program to install. how many programs need to be installed. i have 8 and i dont use that many sites
Deb M
getting organized
Katrina Angele
Having an uncooperative printer and no cell phone for apps hinders me from couponing full force.
Sometimes it is just hard to get to the store in time to get the deal. I haven’t had any problems using coupons at BJ’s but some stores give such a hassle to use them. For instance I have had cashiers scan the coupon and it doesn’t work they just say we don’t take it…
Michelle B
My biggest hurdle is Manuf. lowering their coupon limit to one coupon per person per day, makes it hard when item is bogo @ Publix and I can’t use two coupons as I usually do. Limit of four used to be tough and now it’s gone down to 1 or 2 same coupons from some Manuf. making it tougher to save money.
Sandra D
My biggest hurdle is when Tops has double dollars , they always tell me the minimum is After subtracting the coupons , even the managers tell me that
yolanda w underwood
Time is what I need, working and living on the other side of town. Takes time for me plan my trips and by then my weekend is booked.
Susan P.
My Biggest Hurdle when couponing is remembering to look through the flyers and cut out the coupons before they expire. I like the BJ’s coupon books and the postcards they send for items I buy frequently, especially when I can pair the coupons with manufacturer’s coupons.
Shelly Leatham
My biggest hurdle is actually getting everything clipped and in my book. I love couponing and we do have a nice stockpile!
Sara Schneible
sometimes I find I buy things just because I have a coupon, that’s not saving! I need to make sure I buy only what my family needs. Otherwise, your website is a huge help because I can check my shopping list and match up coupons before I go shopping.
Mary W
I am an avid couponer. I buy healthy brands, store brands, generic and not a lot from the big name companies. The newspaper has fewer and fewer coupons for the items I purchase. I use BJs coupons and pair with manufacturers coupons whenever possible and that’s where I find my biggest savings. I have saved very little on Ibotta because I don’t live near the stores they use or I don’t buy the items featured. Usually the best I can do is 25 cents on any item.
Ray H
Getting it all organized.
Tracy Z
My biggest hurdle is teaching my sibling how to coupon, but they don’t focus or listen to me and they end up paying full price.
Not cutting out coupons because I think I won’t use/buy–then a great match up comes up and coupons are expired/gone!
amanda whitley
my biggest hurdle with couponing is we eat organic and seems like their are a lot less coupons for organic items.
Janelle JB
I would say my biggest hurdle these days would be printing and clipping coupons so I can save more. I get busy and forget.
Mary Ann Rimmer
My biggest hurdle in the past about coupons is organization. I was so scattered but now I have limit my paper coupons. I mostly do printed ones not newspaper.
Biggest hurdle is getting coupons! I don’t get the newspaper and I end up totally forgetting to check online!
I don’t have a printer, I really should get one lol. Aside from that I’m just nervous about potential viruses from bad coupon sites. Not worried about the ones you’re posting though!
nicole roberts
i find i want to buy everything. my biggest hurdle is just buying what i need, not what i want.
That’s my problem too, and I admit to buying things not on my list just because I have a great coupon.
Donna Paglia
I’m find my biggest hurdle to be when couponing is staying organized. But I do have to say since I started couponing I have such a hard time paying full price for anything anymore LOL
Organizing and trying to remember what is at which store. I try to stick to around 3 stores as it gets too confusing to keep straight.
Carie R
I only shop for myself and mostly at Aldi, so I rarely use coupons. When I do and go into the store, I normally buy more than what I needed so the coupons don’t really save me any money!
Amanda H
Lidl opened near me. They have their own coupons and don’t take manufacturer coupons. I haven’t used coupons as much unless Harris teeter has super double coupons. I do need to start couponing more for toilet paper and such.
Susan E
Peggy Hogan
Lately it’s been getting organized and making a list. My eating habits have changed so I’m adapting to that and it seems to be my main focus right now and not couponing.
Megan B
Sometimes I like to just buy the store brand which usually includes less coupons but most of the time is still cheaper.